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BloomService® Support Materials

Great brands become great because they are effective at communicating distinct values, differentiating themselves from the competition and making an emotional and rational connection.

  • "The best names convey promise, personality and performance...they tell a story for you." –New Media Magazine, January 1998. Article entitled "Branding Room Only.

  • BloomService® offers a value proposition by creatively communicating emotional and experiential benefits, something virtually unattainable in today’s tight naming market

  • Look for an attribute-driven name that immediately communicates your core benefit and positioning. Determine your USP (Unique Selling Position) and try to incorporate it into your name. Aspirational names that suggest positive qualities are infinitely evolvable and make for strong brands.

  • When choosing a name “draw a pretty picture. Consider names with strong imagery associations – they provide a memory hook for consumers. Most people think better visually than textually.” –Mark Skoultchi, Interbrand Group

  • “A good name conveys promise, personality and performance, a bad name doesn’t tell a story for you.” –Lexicon Branding

  • “A successful brand name must execute a marketing strategy, integrate with and reinforce a visual identity and speak to a specific market in its own language.” –Landor Branding

  • “A compelling name is the soul of communicative identity. It embodies personality, culture and value. It is strategic in sight and sound. It is your best ally, positioning you above the noise. The name is undoubtedly one of the most important factors in both how quickly a company, product or service becomes successful, as well as the eventual degree of success it enjoys.” –Nametrade

  • “The average consumer is bombarded by more than 4,000 messages every day, ranging from TV and newspaper ads to electronic billboards. The names heard and seen in those various media will reach the public consciousness only if they are unique, distinctive and memorable.” –Naseem Javed, Naming for Power–Creating Successful Names for the Business World

  • “In today’s marketplace brand names are being called upon to rise above the clutter and confusion. Advertising has become more prevalent and obtrusive, and the battle for brand awareness and consumer acceptance has escalated to a fever pitch. Therefore, the opportunity to make a favorable and memorable impression must not be squandered.” –Ashton Adams

  • “In short, literal names have time-to-market advantages over novel or made up names.” – Buyer’s Guide

  • “Abstract or non-descriptive names require greater resources and more time to catch on.” – Buyer’s Guide

  • “A basic principle: A good name without the power to do something with it is still a good name. With the power to do something about it, it’s a valuable name.” –John Diefenbach, Wolff Olins

  • BloomService...I love it! You obviously know what you're doing with naming!!! You have a great foundation here, to do some really solid marketing of your business. Love the 'service' thing...fantastic positioning or differentiation in this market. Congratulations – you're way ahead of most startups! And certainly most purveyors of flowers." –reply from Graeme Thickins, Founder & President GT&A Strategic Marketing Inc., 3/4/03 in response to his website name challenge "Here's Our Company Name--It Sucks, no?"



  • The expression “in bloom” immediately evokes positive and powerful associations intended to enhance your image. An entity “in bloom” is defined as “flourishing, thriving, prosperous, healthy…” Can you think of one business in the world that wouldn’t want to be “in bloom?” Whatever the nature of your business, 1-800-IN-BLOOM and all of its components are designed to help grow your market share, profits and brand. 

  • “A carefully crafted 800 vanity number, designed to capture the convenience-customer market, spurs impulse buying and facilitates word-of-mouth advertising better than any other vehicle. The ideal vanity number is one where all seven digits spell something out.” –Sandra Murray, president of Response Marketing Group, in TeleServices News

  • “(Only) a vanity 800 number is branded – triggering an elevated consumer response and a pronounced buying behavior.” –Response Marketing Group

  • “A 1-800 campaign can produce increased brand value, front-line access to your consumer and spark a revenue lift exceeding a company’s entire ad budget.” –Loren Stocker, managing partner of Vanity International, Direct Marketing News

  • “Researchers have found that a properly managed toll-free number offers four principal benefits to a company: it confirms customer service orientation; it reduces customer service costs; it increases customer information; and it overcomes area code confusion. All of these factors relate to building strong, long-term relationships with customers while keeping costs low. The 800 number will continue to dominate, as consumers have been familiar with it for 30 years.” –

  • "1-800 brands and numbers are immediate. A 1-800 brand communicates not only the branding, but also how to directly access that particular brand's products or services. Consumers want that instant access. The value of 1-800 brands in advertising effectiveness is proven." –Access Brands

  • The world at large has learned the value of a vanity number by way of the successes of 1-800-FLOWERS, 1-800-CONTACTS, 1-800-DENTIST, 1-800-MATTRESS and numerous other high-profile toll-free numbers. It is no surprise to anyone that these businesses owe their overwhelming consumer recognition and success in large part, to their memorable phone numbers.

  • “Multiple channels of access are crucial in the web economy…who gets the customer’s business? Answer: the Company with the best brand and the one offering convenient access. If your company only offers one access point, you are at a severe disadvantage to competitors offering more… There’s one thing, though, that must be made clear: The phone will not go away. Despite the continued growth of e-commerce, the phone will only increase in importance.” –Chris McCann, senior vice president 1-800-FLOWERS in iMarketing News

  • “A good part of the population is still more comfortable on the telephone. Even if they place an order online, they might need something else or have a question. When it comes to customer service matters, they are without a doubt, more comfortable on the phone.” –Jim McCann, chairman and CEO of 1-800-FLOWERS

  • “Most consumers don’t have a clue when they hear a toll-free 877 or 866 number. They go home and dial 800, and end up with a misdial,” –Judith Oppenheimer, the 800# authority in the U.S., says that the profusion of new toll-free numbers ends up confusing consumers.





  • “Brand-builders agree that a company’s name is just the first step in the journey toward brand awareness. It’s the first public act of branding. The name carries an even heavier burden online when it comes to communicating the emotional and experiential benefits of a brand. Online, everything you know or feel about a brand is going to be communicated by the name. Which is why it is sage advice to stick with names that are descriptive or suggestive of a feature or benefit…” Julie Cottineau, Interbrand, quoted in the LATIMES 4/10/00.

  • “When it comes to the Internet, you gotta have pep, personality, brand identity and perhaps most important, a name that has some retention value…one that’s hard to forget.” Tom Romary, v-p of mkt. for sporting goods retailer Fogdog Sports quoted in an article entitled “Choosing a Good Domain Name” in Inside the Internet on 11/21/99

  • Your Internet domain is an internationally unique address, a potential brand, positioner and tagline all in one.




BloomService®, 1-800-IN-BLOOM and all its components make up a marketing bonanza that will deliver the consumer; all that a given industry has to do is deliver the goods!

SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY: Contact Circle®Brands.

NOTE: The toll-free number is not for sale and can only be transferred as a part of the sale of the entire package.


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